Saturday, April 15, 2006

Podarcis hispânica



Podarcis Hispânica is a reptile from the Lacertidae family. It is a very common animal. We can find it in Portugal, Spain and France, and there are article that says this animal was found too in the north of Africa.
This animal was some variations, of color and shape. The males are little bigger than the females. Her body can measuree 4-6 cm, and only his tale can hit the 10 cm. In This kind of reptiles is common to count theire scales, the male has got between 25-30 and the females 28-36.


The Podarcis Hispânica like pretty mutch to climb stones, and hide little caverns in the stones. It is usual to find in walls too, that provides some spots to get the sun, and hide from predictors.
This is a animal that can sometimes get in hibernation, but it is not usual, cause he lives in warm contrys, but if it get a very cold winter in can go in periodde of hibernation.
Her food is basically some bugs and insects less than 2,5cm , but himself is a very good food to some animal like birds and some mammals too.


Is in the summer that they becomes sexual active. The male look for an female, and they get together like a couple. The female can lay about 1-5 egges, and the little Podarcis hispânica get out from eggs in 40-80 days of incubation.


It is a very shy animal, but it is very beautiful. This animal still existing for a long long time, is very adapted to his world. His fisionomy still very solid since the sauros age.
I hope we still arroud us for a long time.

Thanky Nature

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Water Fall

Hello to all.

Well this is my first introduction of my nature aquariums.
This is the very first aquarium that I build on my own. With some experience that my father gave to me, and some that I seartch, and adquire by some of the aquascapers like Amano, Oliver Knot, and FAAO.

The Water Fall is the start point of my journey thro, to somehow show my gratitude to mother nature.

Water Fall was built in 19/02/06. From that day it is growing up considerably. I will show you the evoluction of this aquarium. Please if you want to know the setup of this aquasacpe send me an email.


Foto date 19/02/06

Foto date 02/03/06

Foto date 23/03/06

Foto date 13/04/06

Thanky Nature

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit

by Daniel Quinn
Ismael is an impassioned dialogue on our human future from a unique and illuminating perspective.
To start i would like to advice you to read a book.
It is not just a book, is "An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit".
The author of this book is a great men called Daniel Quinn, a professor that came thro with a solution to save the world.Yes it may seems that it is a joke, but is not, but if you don't belief, you really should read the book to find out.

Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn, is the story of a desperate young man in search of a teacher. The teacher he finds is a lowland gorilla, who, being a member of a species entirely different from ours, has an entirely different vision of our history and our role in the universe.

The book won the Turner Tomorrow Fellowship in 1991 for a work of fiction offering positive solutions to global problems. It was selected from more than 2500 entries from around the world by a panel of judges that included Nadine Gordimer and Ray Bradbury. Since its initial publication in English in 1992, it has been published in over a dozen languages.

Review of the book.

A thoughtful, fearlessly low-key novel about the role of our species on the planet . . . The state of the planet and what is probably the only way to its salvation are laid out for us with an originality and a clarity that few would deny."--Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, The New York Times Book Review

In Portuguese.


Como o Mundo Veio a Ser o Que É!

Daniel Quinn

Era um anúncio de três linhas apenas na secção de classificados do periódico local, mas ele desencadeou uma aventura intelectual e espiritual sem precedentes.

Ismael foi distinguido em 1992 com o Turner Fellowship Award, destinado a premiar obras de ficção "oferecendo soluções criativas e positivas para problemas globais". Só superficialmente, porém, esta caracterização faz jus ao primeiro romance de Daniel Quinn -- a ambição desmesurada que tem Ismael é dar-nos uma nova mitologia para um novo milénio.

"Toda a minha vida sempre fui um leitor voraz. A partir de agora, dividirei os livros que li em duas categorias -- os que li antes de Ismael e os que li depois. Admito que este livro possa ser de facto uma obra teológica, um novo tomo da Bíblia talvez. (...) O autor é decerto um iluminado, quem sabe um santo".

- Jim Britell, Whole Earth Review

Now that i show to all of you what we are, and what we are doing on earth, i can start my existence.


Nature By Vitlated

Hi everybody, from now on, I will introduce to you some of my aquariums, and some of nature pictures that I collect, make and find for you to see. I will also post some of the filosofical way of life, and art to inspire those who came to see this blog.