Boiga Cyanea
Hello...This time I will talk about a beautiful wild animal shutch as the Boiga cyanea, an incredible colorful animal.The unmistakable Boiga cyanea Snake inhabits primary and secondary forests, including mountain zones, and can also be found at sea level in coastal forests. By day it lies coiled up amongst tree branches, but by night it actively hunts for prey such as geckos.The body is strongly laterally compressed, the head large, and the eyes very large with vertical pupils. Dorsal scale color is green with bluish hints, and ventral color yellow.The species ranges from India, Southern China and Indochina to Burma, Thailand and northern Peninsular Malaysia, unfortunately it is not common in Portugal, but we have also a green snake, very beautiful in Portugal, that maybe in future I will introduce to you.This snake can measure up to 1.9 meters, and the eyes are large and seem to stick out at the side of the head and the brightest blue. It takes them from 8-14 months to go from the juvenile coloring to the adult going through greyish-red body coloration.The poison of Boiga cyanea resembles that of other Boigas, Though it is usually much weaker than say that of the better known Boiga dendrophila.
A bite from Boiga cyanea is normally of no problem to adult humans and is no worse then a bee or wasp sting. It can be dangerous if the person bitten has an allergic reaction to the bite. Boiga cyanea has very small teeth that are right in the back of the throat that you would not normally come into contact with, I hope it never bite me, nether you...Well let me remind all of you that's all the photos that you find in this blog, are my own, they are unique, and you don't find it anywhere else...

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