An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit

by Daniel Quinn
Ismael is an impassioned dialogue on our human future from a unique and illuminating perspective.
To start i would like to advice you to read a book.
It is not just a book, is "An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit".
The author of this book is a great men called Daniel Quinn, a professor that came thro with a solution to save the world.Yes it may seems that it is a joke, but is not, but if you don't belief, you really should read the book to find out.
Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn, is the story of a desperate young man in search of a teacher. The teacher he finds is a lowland gorilla, who, being a member of a species entirely different from ours, has an entirely different vision of our history and our role in the universe.
The book won the Turner Tomorrow Fellowship in 1991 for a work of fiction offering positive solutions to global problems. It was selected from more than 2500 entries from around the world by a panel of judges that included Nadine Gordimer and Ray Bradbury. Since its initial publication in English in 1992, it has been published in over a dozen languages.
Review of the book.
A thoughtful, fearlessly low-key novel about the role of our species on the planet . . . The state of the planet and what is probably the only way to its salvation are laid out for us with an originality and a clarity that few would deny."--Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, The New York Times Book Review
In Portuguese.
Como o Mundo Veio a Ser o Que É!
Daniel Quinn
Era um anúncio de três linhas apenas na secção de classificados do periódico local, mas ele desencadeou uma aventura intelectual e espiritual sem precedentes.
Ismael foi distinguido em 1992 com o Turner Fellowship Award, destinado a premiar obras de ficção "oferecendo soluções criativas e positivas para problemas globais". Só superficialmente, porém, esta caracterização faz jus ao primeiro romance de Daniel Quinn -- a ambição desmesurada que tem Ismael é dar-nos uma nova mitologia para um novo milénio.
"Toda a minha vida sempre fui um leitor voraz. A partir de agora, dividirei os livros que li em duas categorias -- os que li antes de Ismael e os que li depois. Admito que este livro possa ser de facto uma obra teológica, um novo tomo da Bíblia talvez. (...) O autor é decerto um iluminado, quem sabe um santo".
- Jim Britell, Whole Earth Review
Now that i show to all of you what we are, and what we are doing on earth, i can start my existence.
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