Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The Land of Light
The Land of Light was built in the same week that Bears Home. I do not planned very mutch this time, and that's why it is not a very nice aquascape, but I could use new technique and I really improve a differently aprotch of planning a aquascape. Never the less is stills be a beautiful wealthy aquarium.





Well, and that is the finish of the season.
In september there will be more news...
The Land of Light was built in the same week that Bears Home. I do not planned very mutch this time, and that's why it is not a very nice aquascape, but I could use new technique and I really improve a differently aprotch of planning a aquascape. Never the less is stills be a beautiful wealthy aquarium.





Well, and that is the finish of the season.
In september there will be more news...
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Bears Home
This time, you will get you to know the newest layout I made, the "Bears Home". This big aquarium doesn't belong to me, but I setup this aquarium for a friend of me. This is the very first aquarium that I consider as a big step to the next times of making layouts, it is a big improve of my aquascape, and now I think I'm ready to setup some nice aquascapes. I and Carlos Alfredo(the owner)try hard to do something good, and I think we did that. This aquarium is very complex, and it has plenty of fish and plants and water conditions, but the start up, with the knowledge, and getting the right material make all of this a success. So as you can the, to have something like this, you have to study and get the right thing in the right time. I hope you enjoy as mutch as I do.






Well, for some more information just contact me, i will let you know all about the setup of the "Bears Home". It will be very dificult to make something more beatifull than this peace of work, but i will try, and most of all, it is the animals, and plants that benifits with all my improvement, so i get very happy for them.
This time, you will get you to know the newest layout I made, the "Bears Home". This big aquarium doesn't belong to me, but I setup this aquarium for a friend of me. This is the very first aquarium that I consider as a big step to the next times of making layouts, it is a big improve of my aquascape, and now I think I'm ready to setup some nice aquascapes. I and Carlos Alfredo(the owner)try hard to do something good, and I think we did that. This aquarium is very complex, and it has plenty of fish and plants and water conditions, but the start up, with the knowledge, and getting the right material make all of this a success. So as you can the, to have something like this, you have to study and get the right thing in the right time. I hope you enjoy as mutch as I do.






Well, for some more information just contact me, i will let you know all about the setup of the "Bears Home". It will be very dificult to make something more beatifull than this peace of work, but i will try, and most of all, it is the animals, and plants that benifits with all my improvement, so i get very happy for them.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Anas platyrhynchos or Anas rubripes
Once more I'm here to introduce you another species that are around us in this beautiful planet. As you can see, in the picture, I will talk about a duck, that I photograph in the beautiful island of Azores.
Well lots of opinions came by to identify this duck, but still unable to identify for sure. Some say that it is a Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard) some say that it is a Anas rubripes (Black Duck), and even a Anas fulvigula (Mottled Duck). The most consistence opinion is that it is a hybrid between Black Duck and MAllard, never the less, it it for sure a very nice animal.
The mallard is the most common duck in North America. It is easy to tell the males from the female mallards. Most male mallards have grayish or brownish feathers, a green colored head, and a purple breast. On the other hand, the female is only brown and white and is maller than the male. The length of the normal mallard is about 50-60 cm. Mallards molt in late spring or early summer. The males molt earlier than the females. The mallard duck is found mostly in North America and Northern Central America. They nest under boulders, in tree holes, in the crotch of trees, or in open areas.
The sooty-brown American Black Duck Anas rubripes is a common sight in ponds and marshes in eastern Canada. It is the only common duck in eastern North America in which the sexes are almost identical in appearance. Male and female American Black Ducks resemble the female Mallard in size and appearance. Their brown bodies are darker than the MallardÃs, however, and lack the MallardÃs whitish outer tail-feathers and prominent white wing bars. The American Black DuckÃs head and neck are a lighter brown than its torso, and there is a beautiful purplish-blue patch, or speculum, on the wing. In flight, the American Black Duck is identifiable by the flash of its white underwings.
The Mallard Duck To breed, the male attracts the female mate by ruffling his bright feathers. But the pair usually does not stay together for long. The male mallard, or drake, leaves the female when she begins incubation and forms a group with other males. Nine to thirteen eggs are laid at daily intervals. Incubation begins when the clutch is complete and lasts for 27 to 28 days. The ducklings all hatch within 24 hours, mostly during the day. Once they are hatched they are led to water. Mallards mature quickly and may breed under 12 months of age. Although mallard ducks have been known to live as long as sixteen years of age, most of them only live for one or two years.
Adult black ducks begin selecting a mate in the fall, and probably most are paired by mid-December. Immatures begin pairing somewhat later, but almost all American Black Ducks arrive paired at the breeding grounds in the spring. The female selects the nest site, usually in a clump of grass, under a shrub or tree, or in a hole or fork in a tree, near the ground. She digs a scrape (nest) using both feet and her bill, then lines it with grasses, leaves, and other dry plant material. She plucks down, or fine feathers, from her body and adds it to the nest during the approximately one- to two-week period when she is laying her seven to 12 (nine on average) creamy white, or sometimes greenish-buff, eggs.
During the summer, mallards spend much time asleep on water banks. The mallard has only three defenses- swimming, flying, and camouflage, and it is prey to large mammals. Mallards have no defense against humans who are their biggest enemy. Many are killed by oil spills and pesticides.
As you can see this animal is very sensible and her life denpend on how we manedge the world, so think twice when you make something stupid on the envirement.This sweet animal may not surveive at you insanity.
Once more I'm here to introduce you another species that are around us in this beautiful planet. As you can see, in the picture, I will talk about a duck, that I photograph in the beautiful island of Azores.
Well lots of opinions came by to identify this duck, but still unable to identify for sure. Some say that it is a Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard) some say that it is a Anas rubripes (Black Duck), and even a Anas fulvigula (Mottled Duck). The most consistence opinion is that it is a hybrid between Black Duck and MAllard, never the less, it it for sure a very nice animal.

Thursday, June 01, 2006
Boiga Cyanea
Hello...This time I will talk about a beautiful wild animal shutch as the Boiga cyanea, an incredible colorful animal.The unmistakable Boiga cyanea Snake inhabits primary and secondary forests, including mountain zones, and can also be found at sea level in coastal forests. By day it lies coiled up amongst tree branches, but by night it actively hunts for prey such as geckos.The body is strongly laterally compressed, the head large, and the eyes very large with vertical pupils. Dorsal scale color is green with bluish hints, and ventral color yellow.The species ranges from India, Southern China and Indochina to Burma, Thailand and northern Peninsular Malaysia, unfortunately it is not common in Portugal, but we have also a green snake, very beautiful in Portugal, that maybe in future I will introduce to you.This snake can measure up to 1.9 meters, and the eyes are large and seem to stick out at the side of the head and the brightest blue. It takes them from 8-14 months to go from the juvenile coloring to the adult going through greyish-red body coloration.The poison of Boiga cyanea resembles that of other Boigas, Though it is usually much weaker than say that of the better known Boiga dendrophila.
A bite from Boiga cyanea is normally of no problem to adult humans and is no worse then a bee or wasp sting. It can be dangerous if the person bitten has an allergic reaction to the bite. Boiga cyanea has very small teeth that are right in the back of the throat that you would not normally come into contact with, I hope it never bite me, nether you...Well let me remind all of you that's all the photos that you find in this blog, are my own, they are unique, and you don't find it anywhere else...